What We Do

Project Management

Public improvement projects are comprised of distinct challenges and milestones. Acquiring right of way and property interests needed to accommodate design and construction is an integral first step of any project.

TRS Corp. specializes in coordinating these facets and ensuring these are done in compliance with all regulations and on schedule. Our experience and understanding of the intricacies of property acquisition for public purposes provide our project partners with an unparalleled level of service.

Several project elements must operate in sync to secure right-of-way, including:

•Title Research
•Acquisition & Relocation

Project Design Support

The complex nature of transportation projects, as they relate to land acquisition, requires proper planning. TRS Corp. brings a depth of experience to the planning process to ensure clients avoid common mistakes. TRS Corp. provides input during the design phase of the project that allow for cost-effective property acquisition solutions to be developed and incorporated into the final design.

Route Selection

There are often multiple solutions to the same problem. At TRS Corp., we help evaluate all right of way options and make the best decisions for the project. Our feasibility and alternative alignment studies assess accessibility, value considerations and existing encumbrances to help you find the best way forward.

Right of Way Acquisition

TRS Corp. will coordinate title research, identify real property concerns and potential “fatal flaws,” develop proactive resolutions to project concerns, provide documentation services, landowner contact and negotiation, relocation advisory assistance, testimony, and closing coordination to its Project partners. Cost-effective procurement of right of way relies upon fairness, common sense, and effective negotiations between the affected parties. Our acquisition agents possess the technical expertise and the interpersonal skills to acquire real property rights for both federally funded and non-federally funded projects, in a timely manner.


We have an extensive bank of sub-contracted certified general appraisers to provide eminent domain appraisals on behalf of our client. These are each independent appraisers, that we contract on behalf of our clients to meet the demands of determining fair market value in support of the acquisition process.

Relocation Assistance

While most public improvement projects make every attempt to prevent displacement of local businesses and residents, at times this is unavoidable. Relocating displaced occupants requires the maximum level of empathy and professionalism. TRS Corp. brings a depth of relocation experience to public infrastructure projects, allowing for an organized and timely transition of tenants, homeowners and businesses to new locations, while maintaining project schedules. Following the standards set forth in the Uniform Act, or as directed by the individual project, TRS Corp. ensures that your agency’s relationship with the displaced constituents remains one of trust and fairness,

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